Apparently Artists..? is a collective art blog set up by Naomi Bolger, Eoin Marron, Dave McGinnis and Keith Byrne, 4 students in Ballyfermot College of Further Education who wish to throw their art at you. Literally. Any second now, sketchbooks will fly.
They each have a passion for comic art and illustration, and just want to share that with the rest of the art community. What the frack* , using 3rd person sucks. It's Naomi here typing for the record.
We were influenced by the SketchPaddys and Eclectic Micks to start up this blog, as we see such great work from both blogs which really influences us. It's funny how the name gets less impressive every time.. Starts off 'Eclectic Micks', slowly drops to a more common 'Sketch Paddys' (no offence, guys, you know I love you all :P), and the bottom rung of art society; 'Apparently Artists..?'. We're not even sure if we are or not?!
We hope for this to take off, and we'll be updating it continuously!
Naomi x
*Frack is a word used in Batltlestar Galactica as a replacement for f**k, and, to all you folks who are gonna whine and say it's 'frak' , yes, it currently is, but 'frack' was the original intended spelling. Jussayin'. ...please keep reading our blog...